
color of axes: Anderson Guitar

i just love to see many different new variation on guitar finishing. especially the one with transparent colors on a top of wood pattern. it still shows the character of a guitar wood, the sound, the weight and the price :D. not that i dont like a solid color or an airbrush, but to see how a wood turning blue or red and still showing it original pattern kinda amazed me.

when u see a natural wood finishing like this:
Natural on Rosewood

Dont bother to ask that wood color can be blue, red, or purple...
Today's edition are some exotic top finishing from US's masterpiece: Tom Anderson Guitar

Bora to Trans Blue Burst with Binding on Personalized Select Quilt Maple Top

Desert Sunset with Binding on Quilt Maple

Deep Ocean Blue on Quilt Maple

Transparent Black with Binding on Quilt Maple

Transparent Green Burst with Binding on Flamed Maple Top

Tiger's Eye Burst on Maple Top

Tiger's Eye with Binding on Maple Top

Light Tiger's Eye Burst on Flame Maple

Transparent Teal with Binding on Flame Maple

Nearly Natural Arctic Blue on Maple

Arctic Blue on Maple Top

Fire Burst on Maple Top

Transparent Grey on Flame Maple

Cajun Red to Dark Red Burst with Binding on Quilt Maple

Natural Honey Burst with Binding on Maple

Translucent Purple with Binding on Maple

Pacific Blue on Maple

somethin smells fishy...

noon, in my rush hour, 2nd attempt, good friend of mine...

putri : jo
me : yup
putri : gwe lagi sedih ni jo
putri : :(
me : knpa?
me : ga dapet arisan lu yak

putri : hiks!
putri : :(
putri : kenapa yah org suka berprasangka buruk ke gwe
putri : terutama org2 kntr
putri : ada2 aja deh berita2 ga enak yg gwe denger
putri : asli deh jo
putri : capek hati...
me : yah, dunia kerja kan emang gitu put
me : salah2 dikit lu bisa dicap yg engga2

me : skrg lu ngerasa ga? sperti yg orang2 bilang

me : mungkin lu ada salah ma orang kali lo

me : salah ngomong, apa nyela2 orang gitu

me : apa lu gampar ya?? lu tabok??

putri : =))
putri : bego!
me : yah kan sapa tau :D
putri : lo kira gwe anarkis
me : ooo, emang kaga yak ?
putri : bukan gitu jo....
me : dulu kan gitu lu
putri : emang iya yak?!
putri : =))
putri : huahahahahahahahaha
putri : wah kalo gwe masih kaya dulu mah gawat jo
putri : udh banyak yg babak belur disini gwe tonjok
putri : :P
me : y bagus lah, daripada ngomongin dibelakang gini, kayak bencong
me : berani mah frontal aja, klo ga menang y kalah

me : udah beres

me : :P

putri : yah udh gila lo
me : gila mah dari dulu put
putri : anarkis itu harus dihindari
putri : jo gimana ya jo baiknya
me: gpp lah sekali2 biar rame dikit
me : gimana apanya?
putri : intinya gwe tuh disebut2 sombong
putri : krn udh ga mau nongkrong sm mereka
me : emng knpa lu g mau nongkrong ma mereka?
putri : soalnya setiap nongkrong selalu aja ngomongin org lain
putri : gwe ga sreg jooo
me : ooo
me : bukannya ibu2 klo nogkrong ngomongin orang lain yak?

putri : nanti kalo gwe ga ikutan komentar salah lagi
putri : gwe komentar salah juga
putri : eh sorry yah
putri : im not one of them
me : yah mana gw tau
me : klo lu udah bisa bilang gitu, lu jg dah tau resikonya kan?

me : dibilang sombonglah

me : ga mau gabung lagi lah

me : :P
putri : iya
putri : can they just stop talking about some one else?
putri : urus diri masing2 aja gitu
putri : bisa ga sih ya jo?
me : nope, udah harafiahnya begitu
me : every decision has a price

me : but if its makes u better, do it

putri : so true!!
me : u cant change the whole world into urs
me : but giving everthing the positive thoughts is just what u can do

me : denger ya put, mungkin lu ga tau
me : tp pasti adalah orang yang mengagumi lu dan iri sama lo

me : u r somethin so much more to be talked abput
me : 'about

me : :P
me : bentar put, nanti nyambung lagi, okeh..

putri : wah something fishy sama kalimat terakhir
putri : oke
me : nothin fishy as it seem
me : pasti adalah put yg ngomongin lo

me : ga tau yg bagus2 ga tau yg buruk2
putri : tapi kayanya jarang yah org ngomongin yg bagus2
me : well, just accept it as a jealousy
putri : lo menerawang ya jo?
putri : :P
me : ga lah
me : emang gw dukun
putri : EMANG!
putri : :))
putri : hahahahahahahahaha
putri : kenapa sih dia harus jealous sama gwe jo
putri : im just an ordinary woman
putri : live and life normally
me : u cant define jealousy
me : its un rational, but its there, what normal people have

me : lu kan juga tau dunia cewe

me : ga pernah ada frontal
me : always speaking behind ur back

me : best way to face it, is being wise

me : put aside ur ego

putri : ummm iya juga sih jo
putri : ummm makasih yah

fishy... hmmm..


on any given rainbow

my feelings are filled with the performance of time with a clear voice, endless future continue to walk to your eyes
My heart is honestly fragile, everybody around me is breaking
suddenly in the sudden rain, although you stop again
You still believe in me
higher than everyone else, close to the sky
I am close to something bright and shinny
I wished for light
if I was burning, I will be okay
everything is accompanying the truth
jakarta april 5th


lihat kebunku, penuh dengan bunga: Steve Vai's JEM 77FP

coba nulis pake bahasa prokem ya, soale setelah dibaca baca, grammar gw makin ancur :P

hasil liat2 gitar di situs ibanez, ternyata om steve vai ngeluarin jem flower pattern baru. penasaran ma fitur2nya yg baru, gw ubek2 isi nya. sekilas mungkin cuma finishingnya aja yg baru, tp setelah baca2 lagi banyak juga bedanya ya..
finishing ini termasuk pattern/corak JEM series yg fenomenal, flower pattern, gw inget dulu lilo kla project pake ni gitar yg gw pikir tadinya cuma gitar tiruan hasil kang air brush andalan kota gudeg jogjakarta. ternyata setelah ditilik dari deket, emang finishingnya model vintage gitu, agak2 memudar warnanya. tp gw rasa juga kang airbrush lokal waktu itu punya kemampuan juga memainkan triknya bwt mata gw.

debut flower pattern ini dimulai thn 1988, setahun setelah vai kerjasama ma ibanez bikin JEM- gitar signature series. berbentuk sama kayak jem 77 yg lain. praktis perbedaan gitar dgn nama seri JEM 77FP ini cuma pada finishingnya aja. tp justru itu yg bikin catchy krna gw langsung ngeh walopun dari jauh.
  • jalan mana aja (anyway :P), ini FP pertama; 1988 - moyangnya FP
spesifikasi sederhananya; body nya dibuat dari american basswood yg gw tau itu kayu berat, gw punya schecter dgn bahan yg sama berbobot kira2 5,5 kilo. tp sebanding sama suara yg dikeluarin, ajibb !! ttg necknya masih 1 pieces, artinya keseluruhan kayu pada necknya dibuat dari satu kayu yg solid tanpa ada tambahan lagi. itu necknya ya, fretboardnya beda lagi, fretboard nya pake rosewood. pickup set dengan formasi H-S-H ciri khas JEM dengan penyerang DiMarzio PAF PRO-N, gelandang DiMarzio JEM dan pemain bek DiMarzio PAF PRO-B. dan terakhir tremolo gitar ini masih pake EDGE trem, tremolo buatan ibanez. pada jamannya paling oke, tp terkenal trem yg gampang out of tune. ibanez gw pake trem ini soale :D
  • generasi berikutnya; 1991
tahun 1991 JEM ngeluarin 2 FP, FP normal dan Blue FP. nah ini gitar yg pernah gw coba, punya temen gw si :D JEM77FP '91 punya corak yg sedikit berbeda pada patternnya, klo gw bilang si, bunganya agak seger-an :D perbedaan yg lainnya sama FP sebelumnya cuma di sistem trem, yg ini udah pake lo-pro edge. kemaren liat2 di FJB masih ada yg jual, di bandrol 11 juta, serem...
  • si anak tiri: 1991 BFP
bernama seri JEM77-BFP atau blue flower pattern, gitar ini termasuk langka. ga tau krna gw ga pernah liat om vai main gitar ini apa krna diproduksi sedikit. punya pattern yg agak beda, lebih adem, dan neck dengan citarasa yg beda juga; maple
  • lanjoot; 1992
sama kayak '1991, tahun ini ibanez ngeluarin FP normal dan BFP. tapi, ga ada bedanya klo dari spek sama yg tahun 1991. lha trus knpa dikeluarin ni gitar ?? yang beda harganya kali yak?
  • anak tiri 1992; BFP
sama juga, ga ada bedanya sama 1991, si om lagi males kali, atau ibanez nya yg males :P
  • lanjooottt, next; 2003 - re-issue
berjeda 11 tahun, lama bener. klo gw si liatnya ini reissue dari 1988, tapi dengan warna yg lebih cerah. tapi dari speknya, seri 2003 ini udah pake 3 pieces neck, jadi kayak sambungan2 gitu necknya. dari referensi si ga ada ngaruhnya ke suara ataupun playability, tp dari logika gw 1 potong kayu neck lebih boros karena bakal banyak yg kebuang, soalnye head dari ibanez ini punya sudut sambung -dengan neck- sekitar 14 derajat (scarf angle). lha klo 3 potong kan tinggal sambung2 aja, jadi ga ada yg kebuang. perbedaan yglainnya lagi2 di trem, seri ini udah pake edge pro- diklaim seri yg sempurna buat si om steve vai.
  • dan yg paling baru; 2010 - japan flavour
briliant !! desain yg bener2 fresh. lebih berasa jepangnya, tp agak minimalis, ajib lah. speknya juga nambah dikit, mulai dari neck yang sekali lagi karena tipisnya persediaan kayu kayaknya, jadi 5 pieces. trem nya si klo dari web nya edge bridge, tau dah sama apa ga ma edge pro. tp perbedaan yg paling jelas dari pickup nya. masih berformasi H-S-H, tp kali ini gelandang serangnya juga ikutan DiMarzio evolution, tp versi single, dan pemain bek DiMarzio Evo 2.

okeh, itu tadi liat2 kebunku penuh dengan bunga, next kita bahas lagi JEM yg laen..

damn, i still get ugly gramar in bahasa...


Hunting for Zidane's foot

I always wanted to buy a fine- well you can say first class- soccer boot. but my ambition always strangled with any second or third thoughts, and so on, and so on. yes it is a good boot, same exact spec with all professional player like Gerrard, Beckham, or even Zidane – though its impossible for me to have Zidane’s last Predator :D

yes, my feet will fit the boot, but is it vice versa?? and I’m trying to answer all of my schizophrenic thoughts inside.

· will it fit my feet?

well, since I have the size of so called international size – 44 or 10 in US size, yeah I guess it’ll fit.

· will it fit the local field contour?

I guess we never know, but if it’s a firm ground, it should be okay :D

· how I’m gonna use it?

If I have a weapon, I’ll make a war, that’s the idea, its healthy thought :P

· do I afford to have it?

hmm, it’s a bit tricky question…. I’ll get my chance, looking back at my history, I’m pretty optimist.

· is it gonna be worth somethin?

is not worth to take out all of my money to buy this thing just because I want it, but it’s gonna be worth for me because this is the chance to delete one of my wish list, cause I’ve been wanting it all my life, its gonna be worth for me because this is the exact to have it for use, to take knowledge of it technology, and to feel what zidane’s feet feel.

so I guess, I have the heart to find something. Although it’s gotta be suit my wallet also. The hunting is narrowed to only 2 biggest brands in soccer boot while my finger clicking some links. Its either Nike or adidas. Since they categorized their entire model into 3 different category, which is speed, control, and power, I tried to look something fit my game. I always like predator and why don’t I tried some vapor fever??

My choice was stopped at this mercurial line, players like Ribery, Drogba and the overrated eye catching Christiano Ronaldo worn this thing for something. Thus, I find there are 5 classes on this line and some other limited mercurial series on the line (find out more about mercurial line here). It kinda lightweight looking, pretty good shape, and nice attitude boot, at least I guess so. Beside, you never get wrong with Nike, you think??

So, I choooooseeeed a talaria. a middle class mercurial, good material, good price and good colors. it lined up on 900k in local store, but its negotiable. But I always looking for some black volt series, coz red is too Saturday night fever’s Johnny Travolta to me, Blue is too mellow and yellow is just wrong hahahahaha…

But God hands was playing it role, I couldn’t get my size, even to the seller that already promised me a pair of 44 sized Talaria. I guess no mercurial will fit my feet anyway.

then again, I switch to the brand that we all love for years, adidas. while mercurial is for speed characteristic, I don’t wanna brag with the F series (Adidas’s speed spec) its just lame. so, its either adipure or a long time historical friend of my feet; predator.

and of course the adipure and predator have their own classes (find out more about adidas classes here). my finger ended with a notification-as the facebook said- of a predator line. I have seen it already launching a new series of 2010 predator X, somehow i dislike it. but the old generation caught my sight. I have worn a futsal pulsado series in the generation of predator pulse, but I don’t like the next generation of predator absolute (although this is where Zidane’s line stopped), and then predator powerswerve caught my eyes again, specially the Beckham series (DB). so if I dislike the new predator, I guess its reasonable.

then again if the talaria is not the highest class, a powerswerve surprisingly fits my wallet. and its the highest class- on it generation of course. lined at 2400k on it first appearance, 1700k-1900k on the local counter, and 1000k-1400k on the good seller. now, the task is to find good size and color. well, 44 is always a friendly adidas size for me, and black is something suit my appearances. I wont brag about the size, but I got 4 different colors options and its all catchy :D

I got 4 options, I guess these are the last stock of powerswerve that still exist in Indonesia now- NOS (new old stock)

I have to be incongruity honest this time, I wanna be catchy, and sparkling, its not my style but the last color option give me all the details I need. the item number explain it is one of the limited series of uni-red and metallic gold, with flame details on it. kinda catchy, isn’t it?

my finger dialed a phone number…

to be continued